Distant images make Saturn's rings appear to be one solid band of rock. However close flybys and studies have provided detailed images of the rings' arrangement, with precise snaps of some of the unique objects orbiting Saturn.
Saturn's rings are an array of rocky and icy fragments, which scientists believe to be pieces of moons, asteroids and comets, according to NASA. The theory is that these giant rocks were shattered into fragments under the force of Saturn's gravity. The result is a combination of huge, mountain-sized rocks and tiny particles of dust. Many of the larger objects in the planet's rings are coated in a layer of dust.
Before 1979, scientists thought that Saturn was the only planet in the solar system with rings, according to the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology. Now we know that, while all the planets attract space objects into rings, Saturn's rings are the brightest and lie close together.
Saturn's bright rings carry space fragments that are younger than the planet itself. According to a 2019 report by the BBC, data from the US-European Cassini mission revealed that the rings could be as young as 10 million years old and no older than 100 million years.
Each ring contains orbiting matter. Combined, the rings stretch across thousands of miles of space.
The first three rings to be discovered (A, B and C) are the easiest to spot, due to them being bright, main rings of the planet, according to NASA Science. Meanwhile, the D ring is extremely dim and lies closest to the planet. The E ring is the largest and outermost ring, spanning 621,370 miles (about one million kilometers) and lying next to another faint ring, G. Saturn’s F ring is made up of many narrow rings. As each ring contains multiple kinks and bright clusters, this ring can produce a braided pattern, according to Space.com.
45 years later, it was a Dutch astronomer called Christiaan Huygens who correctly proposed that these were rings, in the shape of disks, that encircled Saturn. According to NASA, Huygens was able to observe finer details than Galileo could as he had a stronger telescope.
"Structure, stability and evolution of Saturn's rings". Nature (1984). https://www.nature.com/articles/309333a0
"The Structure of Saturn's Rings". Saturn from Cassini-Huygens. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-9217-6_13