North Carolina
Primary and secondary schools in the United States and various states, learn more about the American education system.
North Carolina
Northwest Elementary
Northwest Elementary
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1769 Pikeville/Princeton Hwy
Northeast Elementary
Northeast Elementary
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4665 NC Hwy 111 N
Rosewood Elementary
Rosewood Elementary
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126 Charlie Braswell Road
Southern Wayne High
Southern Wayne High
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124 Walter Fulcher Rd
Rosewood High
Rosewood High
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900 Rosewood Road
Norwayne Middle
Norwayne Middle
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1394 Norwayne School Road
Mount Olive Middle
Mount Olive Middle
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Mount Olive
309 Wooten Street
Meadow Lane Elementary
Meadow Lane Elementary
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3500 E Ash Street
Greenwood Middle
Greenwood Middle
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3209 E Ash Street
Grantham Elementary
Grantham Elementary
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174 Grantham School Rd
Fremont STARS Elementary
Fremont STARS Elementary
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101 Pine Street
Eastern Wayne Middle
Eastern Wayne Middle
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3518 Central Heights Rd
Eastern Wayne High
Eastern Wayne High
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1135 New Hope Road
Eastern Wayne Elementary
Eastern Wayne Elementary
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1271 New Hope Road
Charles B Aycock High
Charles B Aycock High
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5460 US 117 North
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