North Carolina
Primary and secondary schools in the United States and various states, learn more about the American education system.
North Carolina
Roaring River Elementary School
Roaring River Elementary School
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Roaring River
283 White Plains Rd
North Wilkesboro Elementary School
North Wilkesboro Elementary School
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North Wilkesboro
200 Flint Hill Rd
North Wilkes High School
North Wilkes High School
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2986 Traphill Rd
Mulberry Elementary School
Mulberry Elementary School
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North Wilkesboro
190 Mulberry School Rd
Mountain View Elementary School
Mountain View Elementary School
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5464 Mountain View Rd
Mount Pleasant Elementary School
Mount Pleasant Elementary School
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532 Champion Mt Pleasant Rd
Moravian Falls Elementary School
Moravian Falls Elementary School
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Moravian Falls
2001 Moravian Falls Rd
East Wilkes High School
East Wilkes High School
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13315 Elkin Hwy 268
C C Wright Elementary School
C C Wright Elementary School
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North Wilkesboro
200 CC Wright School Rd
C B Eller Elementary School
C B Eller Elementary School
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1288 CB Eller School Rd
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary School
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary School
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556 Boomer-Ferguson Sch Rd
North Whiteville Academy
North Whiteville Academy
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310 S Martin Luther King Jr Av
Whiteville High
Whiteville High
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413 N Lee Street
Whiteville Primary
Whiteville Primary
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805 Barbcrest Avenue
Edgewood Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
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317 E Calhoun Street
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