Primary and secondary schools in the United States and various states, learn more about the American education system.
Central Southwest Alternative High School
Central Southwest Alternative High School
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1536 Bordelon Rd.
Central Louisiana Supports and Services Center
Central Louisiana Supports and Services Center
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Pinehill Alternative High School
Pinehill Alternative High School
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132 Hwy 850
Renaissance Home for Youth
Renaissance Home for Youth
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1501 Vandenburg Dr.
Pinecrest Supports & Services Center
Pinecrest Supports & Services Center
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5191 Pinecrest Dr. OPC/Dental claim Bldg
Eastern LA Mental System
Eastern LA Mental System
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Hwy. 10
Raymond Laborde Correctional Center
Raymond Laborde Correctional Center
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1630 Prison Road
Rayburn Correctional Institute
Rayburn Correctional Institute
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27268 Hwy. 21
Dixon Correctional Institute
Dixon Correctional Institute
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5568 Hwy. 68
Louisiana State Penitentiary
Louisiana State Penitentiary
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17544 Tunica Trace
Southside Alternative High School
Southside Alternative High School
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4701 S Grand Street
Riverside Alternative High School
Riverside Alternative High School
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Bridge City
3225 River Road
Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women
Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women
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St. Gabriel
7205 Hwy. 74
Elayn Hunt Correctional Center
Elayn Hunt Correctional Center
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St. Gabriel
6925 Hwy. 74
David Wade Correctional Center
David Wade Correctional Center
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670 Bell Hill Road
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