Educational Science
New Source of Replacement Brain Cells Found
Jul 31, 2006
New Source of Replacement Brain Cells Found
Scientists have found that a common type of human brain cell can transform into other cell types and reproduce indefinitely—tricks once thought exclusive to stem cells. The mature human brain cells were extracted from epilepsy patients and coaxed into other types of brain cells in a lab. The human cells...
New Research Points to Cancer Drugs in Lower Doses
Jul 31, 2006
New Research Points to Cancer Drugs in Lower Doses
Amino acids, those not employed in creating protein and life, can improve a cancer therapy protein's activity by more than 30-fold. Scientists say this opens the door to experimenting with these novel compounds throughout proteins and, in the future, in organisms, possibly creating drugs that work better but have fewer...
Why Fiber is Healthy: Because It Damages Our Insides
Jul 31, 2006
Why Fiber is Healthy: Because It Damages Our Insides
Fiber helps keep us regular by banging up against the gastrointestinal tract and tearing cells, which release mucus that helps us, well, go, scientists reported today. The frequent injury of cells and their subsequent repair cause more mucus production, which eases food through the pipes and provides protection for the...
Scientists Erase Memories in Rat Brains
Jul 31, 2006
Scientists Erase Memories in Rat Brains
Scientists have for the first time erased long-term memories in rats and also directly seen how the brain is changed by learning. The research points to potential human benefits. These findings could prove key to understanding how memories can be augmented, for example in diseases that affect memory, like Alzheimer's,...
Brain Gene May Help Make Us Human
Jul 31, 2006
Brain Gene May Help Make Us Human
Humans have more copies of a possibly important brain gene in their genomes than other apes, a new study finds. Called MGC8902, the gene is implicated in the function of the neocortex, the region of the brain that, in humans, is responsible for consciousness, language, and other higher cognitive functions....
Americans Sleep Less than They Think They Do
Jun 30, 2006
Americans Sleep Less than They Think They Do
A new study finds people aren't sleeping as much as they report in other studies. Not wanting to rely just on diaries, researchers attached monitoring devices to 669 middle-age test subjects to record when they actually slept. Though they spent an average of 7.5 hours a night in bed, the...
The Raw Food Diet: A Raw Deal
Jun 30, 2006
The Raw Food Diet: A Raw Deal
American ingenuity has found one solution to the energy crisis: food you never need to cook. There's no need for fuel when everything you eat---from salad to, well, more salad—is served up at piping room temperature. I'm speaking of the raw food diet, for those who find the vegan lifestyle...
Comatose Man's Brain Rewires
Jun 30, 2006
Comatose Man's Brain Rewires
Doctors have their first proof that a man who was barely conscious for nearly 20 years regained speech and movement because his brain spontaneously rewired itself by growing tiny new nerve connections to replace the ones sheared apart in a car crash. Terry Wallis, 42, is one of the few...
Living Alone Raises Risk of Heart Attack
Jun 30, 2006
Living Alone Raises Risk of Heart Attack
Living alone can be deadly, a new study shows. People who live by themselves are at twice the risk of serious heart problems compared to those who have a partner. Researchers studied records of 138,000 adults aged 30 to 69 in Denmark. Of the group, 646 suffered a heart attack...
Body's Own Molecules Being Customized to Fight Cancer
Jun 30, 2006
Body's Own Molecules Being Customized to Fight Cancer
Scientists are tweaking naturally occurring body proteins to create customized molecules that can seek out and deliver drugs to cancer cells. The research, which is still in the very early stages and has not advanced to human clinical trials yet, could one day lead to new types of cancer drugs...
Medical 'Miracles' Not Supported by Evidence
Jun 30, 2006
Medical 'Miracles' Not Supported by Evidence
The phrase medical miracle is a newsroom cliche. It means a situation in which a person makes an unexpected recovery despite great odds or a pessimistic prognosis. Yet often the phrase is used much more broadly to describe a seemingly supernatural or paranormal healing or curing event such as faith...
Study Debunks Myth that Sex Hastens Labor
May 31, 2006
Study Debunks Myth that Sex Hastens Labor
A new study debunks the notion that having sex in the final weeks of pregnancy makes labor start sooner. Researchers at Ohio State University Medical Center studied 93 women in their final three weeks of pregnancy. When all was said and done, those who were sexually active had carried their...
Men Who Can't Play, Drink
May 31, 2006
Men Who Can't Play, Drink
Here's a shocker: Men who are not confident in their sporting abilities may try and make up for this by drinking excessively. So says Richard de Visser, whose new study looked into the masculine behaviors of young men in London and how it all affects their health. The University of...
Maybe Tonight Honey, I Have a Migraine
May 31, 2006
Maybe Tonight Honey, I Have a Migraine
Migraines have been linked to sexual desire in new research that could improve understanding of the crippling headaches. In a relatively small study, 68 young men and women were surveyed about recent headaches and sexual desire. Migraine sufferers reported levels of sexual desire 20 percent higher than those suffering from...
Risk of Lung Disease Etched in Some Smokers' Faces
May 31, 2006
Risk of Lung Disease Etched in Some Smokers' Faces
Heavy wrinkles on smokers' faces can indicate a higher risk of contracting lung disease, a new study finds. Smoking is known to cause premature aging. The new research finds that middle-aged smokers whose faces are heavily lined with wrinkles are five times as likely to have emphysema, bronchitis, or another...
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