Educational Science
New Again: The Face Cream of Ancient Roman Women
Oct 31, 2004
New Again: The Face Cream of Ancient Roman Women
Face cream used by Roman women has found been and reproduced. It's not likely the research will trigger any new retro trend, however. In a not-so-fashionable London dig, archeologists unearthed a metal container of cream with the lid still on. The whitish cosmetic cream of ancient times was found to...
Claimed Discovery of Atlantis Called 'Completely Bogus'
Oct 31, 2004
Claimed Discovery of Atlantis Called 'Completely Bogus'
An amateur explorer claimed this weekend to have found the legendary lost city of Atlantis, but other researchers said there is a total lack of evidence and called the whole expedition a hoax. American architect Robert Sarmast said sonar scanning 50 miles southeast of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean, revealed walls...
Ancient Egyptians Held Dwarves in High Esteem
Nov 30, 2005
Ancient Egyptians Held Dwarves in High Esteem
Short stature didn't prevent dwarves in ancient Egyptian culture from attaining high positions in society. Some served as assistants to the pharaoh, while others were looked up to as gods. Chahira Kozma, a pediatrician at Georgetown University, examined remains and depictions of dwarves in ancient Egypt and concluded they were...
Team Searching for Columbus' Remains
Dec 31, 2004
Team Searching for Columbus' Remains
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Spanish researchers said Monday they've won permission to open a tomb in the Dominican Republic purported to hold remains of Christopher Columbus, edging closer to solving a century-old mystery over whether those bones or a rival set in Spain are the real thing. A team of...
Newfound Ships from Revolutionary War Sunk on Purpose
Apr 30, 2006
Newfound Ships from Revolutionary War Sunk on Purpose
Four ships from the Revolutionary War era, sunk in 1778, have been discovered in Newport Harbor, making Rhode Island home to the largest known fleet of shipwrecks from that war. The ships were discovered in 2005 and announced today. Researchers used side-scan sonar, a method of using sound to map...
Remains of World’s Oldest Ships Found in Egypt
Feb 28, 2006
Remains of World’s Oldest Ships Found in Egypt
Excavations at an ancient Egyptian shipyard have unearthed remains of the world's oldest seafaring ships. The 4,000-year-old timbers were found alongside equally ancient cargo boxes, anchors, coils of rope and other naval materials just as old, at what archaeologists are calling a kind of ancient military administration site. The massive...
Greek Shipwreck from 350 BC Revealed
Jan 31, 2006
Greek Shipwreck from 350 BC Revealed
The remains of an ancient Greek cargo ship that sank more than 2,300 years ago have been uncovered with a deep-sea robot, archaeologists announced today. The ship was carrying hundreds of ceramic jars of wine and olive oil and went down off Chios and the Oinoussai islands in the eastern...
Top 10 weird ways we deal with the dead
Nov 30, 2007
Top 10 weird ways we deal with the dead
Top 10 Weird Ways We Deal With the Dead (Image credit: Çatalhöyük Research Project)Dying is a fact of life, as is the disposal of a body after the fact. You know all about burial and cremation, but here are the other ways people, past and present- have dealt with the...
Hidden City Found Beneath Alexandria
Jun 30, 2007
Hidden City Found Beneath Alexandria
The legendary city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great as he swept through Egypt in his quest to conquer the known world. Now scientists have discovered hidden underwater traces of a city that existed at Alexandria at least seven centuries before Alexander the Great arrived, findings hinted at...
Grave Reveals Violent Death of Ancient Family
Oct 31, 2008
Grave Reveals Violent Death of Ancient Family
A grave with the remains of a mother and father huddled together with two sons has been dated to 4,600 years ago and marks the oldest genetic evidence for a nuclear family, researchers say. The individuals were carefully arranged in their graves to denote they were part of a biological...
Bones Reveal Oldest Case of TB
Sep 30, 2008
Bones Reveal Oldest Case of TB
An excavated skeleton of a Neolithic woman and an infant buried with her show signs of tuberculosis, making them the oldest known TB cases confirmed with DNA, researchers announced today. The 9,000-year-old bones were found submerged about six miles off the coast of Haifa, Israel, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea,...
Neanderthals Were High-Tech For Their Era
May 31, 2008
Neanderthals Were High-Tech For Their Era
Neanderthal tools found in England suggest our early human relatives hunted with blades and spear tips that were pretty sophisticated, rivaling those made by modern humans, a new analysis suggests. The research, however, has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Neanderthals inhabited the plains of Europe and parts of...
Ancient Rome's Real Population Revealed
Sep 30, 2009
Ancient Rome's Real Population Revealed
The first century B.C. was one of the most culturally rich in the history of the Roman Empire — the age of Cicero, Caesar and Virgil. But as much as historians know about the great figures of this period of ancient Rome, they know very little about some basic facts,...
Evidence Alexander the Great Wasn't First at Alexandria
Sep 30, 2009
Evidence Alexander the Great Wasn't First at Alexandria
The latest clues that settlements existed in the area for several hundred years before Alexander the Great come from microscopic bits of pollen and charcoal in ancient sediment layers. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. The city sits on the Mediterranean coast at the western edge...
Buried City in Oasis Lends View of Ancient Egypt
Jun 30, 2009
Buried City in Oasis Lends View of Ancient Egypt
A trench that was cut through collapsed mud bricks and the compacted debris of buildings leveled centuries ago is revealing a dusty scene of roof-topped streets in ancient Amheida, a city marooned on an oasis deep in Egypt’s western desert. The latest in a chain of archaeological discoveries in a...
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